Monday, April 18, 2011

FAQS About Transverse Frontal Line

Who is the best candidate for this procedure?

Individuals who are physically fit and healthy who has a problem with transverse frontal frown line due to aging.

How is surgery performed?
The procedure performed is the same with brow lift or forehead lift.

What will I expect after surgery?
It is important to keep the head elevated for several days in order to minimize postoperative swelling. Some numbness and temporary discomfort may persist around the incision for several days, but this can be controlled with pain medication. The bruising and swelling that does occur will usually subside considerably in the first week. Bandages will come off a day or two after brow lift surgery. Stitches from the surgery are removed during the first two weeks, though this varies from patient to patient.

What are the risks and possible complication?

Complications from surgery are rare, and are usually not severe. The primary risk, as with any surgical procedure, is infection. Skin and nerve damage are also risks to consider.

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