Monday, April 18, 2011

FAQS About Alarplasty

Am I a candidate for Alarplasty?

An ideal candidate must be over the age of sixteen years, to ensure that the nose has finished growing.  If you are a healthy individual with a balanced mental state and feel that your nostrils are too large or broad, then Alarplasty may be the answer for you.  Patients who have suffered an injury to the nostrils, causing an asymmetrical appearance may also consider this procedure.

What does Alarplasty entail?

A pre-operative consultation with your cosmetic surgeon will be your first step in the process.  Here you will discuss your surgery goals and your cosmetic surgeon can ascertain what the best procedure will be to suit your needs.  During the procedure you will be placed under general anesthetic so that you are asleep during the surgery.  The cosmetic surgeon will make an incision at the base of the nose, trimming away excess cartilage, bone and tissue to narrow the appearance. 
If the nostrils are too large or broad the surgeon will make an incision that runs along the edge of the nostril where it connects to the cheek.  He will trim away the excess cartilage, tissue and skin and will reattach the nostril so that it is more balanced and in proportion with the rest of the nose.  Sutures are used to seal the incisions before a bandage is put in place.  A splint may be used to protect the nose and to prevent excess swelling.

Will I experience pain after Alarplasty ?

There is a level of pain and discomfort associated with an Alarplasty, but this should be perfectly easy to control with pain medication.

How long will I take to recover from Alarplasty?

The first two weeks after the surgery will be the most uncomfortable.  The patient can return to work after the first week and will be ready to return to normal activities or more strenuous pursuits after six weeks.  The final results will only be evident three to six months after surgery.

Will there be any scars associated with an Alarplasty?

Scarring will be minimal as the incisions are inconspicuously placed and careful suturing and after would care ensures clean wound healing.  The scars will gradually fade over time to a thin white line.

What are the risk and side effects associated with an Alarplasty?

Every surgical procedure has inherent risks and side effects.  Modern medicine and a high standard of excellence have minimized these risks considerably but patients may experience a range of effects.  Some of these include pain, swelling, bleeding, infection, slow wound healing, a sensation of numbness and an asymmetrical appearance to the nose.

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