Monday, March 28, 2011

FAQS About Brow Lift

What is a Brow lift?
A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a plastic surgery procedure used to elevate the brows. As a person ages, the brows begin to descend. As this descent continues, the brow skin will sag into the upper eyelid skin. This will add to the heavy appearance that patients may have in the upper eyelid/brow complex. There are several techniques used to perform the brow lift procedure, and the surgeon will help you decide which works best for you.
Who is the best candidate for a brow lift?
Good candidates for a brow lift procedure include men and women who are physically healthy, realistic in their expectations, and looking to improve the appearance of a sagging brow or deep furrows between the eyes. Most patients that undergo the brow lift procedure are fifty years and older.

What happens during a consultation for a brow lift?
The surgeon will personally meet with you during the consultation. He will examine and evaluate you. He will then show you before and after pictures and then explain the surgical procedure from beginning to end. This explanation will include what surgical technique he will use, where the surgery will be performed, what type of anesthesia, and a step-by-step explanation of what the recovery will be like. You will then meet with the patient care coordinator, who will explain the scheduling details and the cost.

Where is the brow lift procedure performed?
The surgeon performs the brow lift procedure in his clinic or his affiliated hospital.

What type of anesthesia is used during a brow lift?
The surgeon performs the brow lift procedure with IV sedation or with general anesthesia. He will help you determine which is best for you.

How is the actual brow lift procedure performed?
There are three techniques that the surgeon uses to perform the brow lift procedure. The first one is the endoscopic technique, where small incisions are used along with a small camera, to elevate the brows. The second is the coronal technique, where an incision is placed on the scalp. The third technique is the mid-forehead technique, where the incisions are hidden in the forehead creases. This technique is usually reserved for men. The surgeon will examine you and help you decide which is best for you.

How long is the surgical time for a brow lift?
The surgery will take about an hour to perform the brow lift procedure.

Where are the incisions made for a brow lift?
The incisions for the brow lift depend on which technique is used. The small incisions for the endoscopic technique are placed inside the hair. The coronal technique has an incision inside the hair, and the mid-brow lift has incisions hidden in the horizontal forehead creases.

Are there scars after a brow lift?
The incisions for the brow lift are all well concealed and are not noticeable, no matter what technique is used.

 Is there much pain with a brow lift?
Patients may complain of a slight pressure in the forehead after the brow lift. This typically lasts a few hours and resolves the first night. Pain medication will control the discomfort.

What is the recovery like after a brow lift?
The recovery for the brow lift is rather mild. The surgery is ambulatory, meaning that the patient is allowed to return home the same day of the surgery. The post-operative period is relatively painless, except for a mild pressure in the forehead for about two hours after surgery. The patient returns to the surgeon clinic in the morning following surgery. The surgeon will then remove the dressing check the incisions. The patient then returns on the seventh post-operative day for the sutures to be removed. Seventy percent of the swelling resolves in the first week. The remaining thirty percent resolves over the following three weeks. Patients experience little to no bruising after the brow lift procedure.

How much time will I need to take off from work after my brow lift?
Patients typically return to work a week after the brow lift procedure.

When can I exercise after my brow lift?
The surgeon recommends that his patients avoid strenuous exercise for three weeks following surgery

When are the stitches removed after the brow lift procedure?
The surgeon will remove the sutures after seven days.

What are the risks or complications associated with a brow lift?
Some of the potential risks associated with the brow lift procedure may include infection, bleeding, scarring, nerve injury, and poor healing. These are very rare incurrence.

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