Monday, March 28, 2011

FAQS About Blepharoplasty

What is blepharoplasty?
 Blepharoplasty, or cosmetic eyelid surgery, is a plastic surgery procedure that improves the upper and lower eyelids. The upper blepharoplasty is aimed at correcting the sagging skin that overhangs the upper lid. The surgery for the upper eyelids removes mostly skin and a small amount of fat from the inner corner of the eye.
The lower blepharoplasty is aimed at correcting the “bags” that form underneath the eye. The surgery can be done from an incision underneath the eyelashes (subciliary approach) or through one inside the eye (transconjunctival). The surgeon will inform you which the best approach is for you. The fat is then gently removed and a small amount of skin is the removed. The result is a natural and refreshed look.

Are there any limitations to what blepharoplasty can achieve?
Blepharoplasty refers to eyelid surgery. Many times, patient may have brows that have descended and are low. These patients may need a brow lift procedure to elevate the brows. Patients that may have puffy lower eyelids due to allergies will not achieve improvement with the blepharoplasty procedure.

Who is the best candidate for blepharoplasty?
The best candidates for blepharoplasty are healthy men and women who have sagging upper eyelids or lower eyelids that are puffy.

What happens during a consultation for blepharoplasty?
The surgeon will personally meet with you during the consultation. He will examine and evaluate you. He will then show you before and after pictures and then explain the surgical procedure from beginning to end. This explanation will include what surgical technique he will use, where the surgery will be performed, what type of anesthesia, and a step-by-step explanation of what the recovery will be like. You will then meet with the patient care coordinator, who will explain the scheduling details and the cost.

Where is blepharoplasty performed?
The surgeon will perform blepharoplasty in his office-based operating room under local anesthesia with sedation.

What type of anesthesia is used for blepharoplasty?
The surgeon will perform the blepharoplasty procedure with local anesthesia with sedation when done as a single procedure. If it is combined with a facelift, IV sedation or general anesthesia, provided by an anesthesiologist (MD), may be used.

How is the actual blepharoplasty procedure performed?
The surgeon will perform the upper blepharoplasty via a small incision in the crease of the upper eyelid. This incision heals very well and will be imperceptible once healing has occurred. The skin is removed and then a small amount of muscle and fat are removed. The skin is then closed with small stitches. These are placed in a way that they can be removed without pain.
The lower eyelid is performed in a different way. A small incision is made under the eyelashes. He skin and muscle are elevated, and the fat is removed. A tiny strip of skin is then removed and the muscle is then tightened. The incision is then closed with small stitches. These stitches are also placed so that they can be removed without causing pain.

How long is the surgical time for blepharoplasty?
The surgeon will perform the upper blepharoplasty in one hour and the lower blepharoplasty in one hour.

Where are the incisions made for blepharoplasty?
The incision for the upper blephroplasty is made in the natural crease of the upper eyelid. This incision heals well. The lower blepharoplasty incision is made just under the eyelashes (subciliary) or inside the eye (transconjunctival).

Are there scars that result from blepharoplasty?
The skin in the eyelids is the thinnest skin in the body. The incisions, when placed well, will heal well and be imperceptible.

Is blepharoplasty a painful procedure?
The blepharoplasty procedure is not painful. Patients typically complain of a burning sensation in the eyelids one hour after the procedure. The discomfort will generally last about 1 hour.

What is the recovery like after blepharoplasty? 
The recovery for blepharoplasty is rather mild. The surgery is ambulatory, meaning that the patient is allowed to return home the same day of the surgery. The patient returns to see the surgeon at the fifth post-operative day. At that time, the sutures are painlessly removed. From that point on, any bruising will start to quickly subside. Women can wear make up after the sutures are removed. About 70% of the swelling resolves in the first 2 weeks. The remainder takes about 2 months to resolve. However, this is mild swelling that is not perceptible. Most patients are well enough to return to work by the seventh post-operative day.

When will I be able to return to work after my blepharoplasty procedure?
Patients are generally able to return to work about one week after the blepahroplasty procedure.

How soon after my blepharoplasty procedure will I am able to exercise?
The surgeon will recommend that patients do not return to exercise for three weeks after their procedure.

When are the stitches removed after blepharoplasty?
The surgeon will remove the stitches on the fifth post-operative day. The removal will be painless, as they are placed in a way that they simply slide out.

What are the risks or complications that can occur with blepharoplasty?
The potential complications that may occur with blepharoplasty include the following: bleeding, dry eyes, slight asymmetry in healing or scarring, swelling at the corners of the eyelids, temporary blurred vision, and whiteheads

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